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La Trobe Forest Ecosystem Restoration Project

Provider: La Trobe Forest Track

Region: Auckland




The La Trobe Forest Ecosystem Restoration Project consists of 200 hectares of regenerating rain forest. The land has previously been logged, burned, and farmed, and then left to regenerate for the last 50-80 years. The main aims of the project are: 1 To control rodent and possum numbers to levels low enough to avoid their negative impacts on native animals and plants. 2 To regularly monitor rodent and possum populations, and use the information gained from such monitoring to decide when to initiate predator control measures. 3 To monitor selected arthropods in the project and matched control areas to establish whether these arthropods are benefitting from pest control. 4 To periodically monitor native Hochstetters frog populations to establish whether these threatened animals are benefitting from pest control. 5 To develop a species list of native plants located within the project and to establish a dated photo-record of native plant flowering, fruiting,cone production, and spore production.

Accomodation provided: No. .

Transport provided: No.

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