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Friends of Flora Inc

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Friends of Flora Incorporation

Provider: Friends of Flora Inc

Region: Nelson - Marlborough




Friends of Flora Inc was established in 2001. We are a conservation volunteer group who works in conjunction with the Department of Conservation in Motueka. 
The object of the Society is to implement a conservation strategy to bring back the birdsong and the protection or return of endangered and threatened endemic flora and fauna of the Flora Stream catchment area of Kahurangi National Park. 
We have 682 stoat trap stations - over 68 kilometres, protecting 5,000 hectares of beech forest and tussockland. From 750 metres to 1,600 metres. Many stations also have a rat and/or possum trap. We have begun our  5-year project to extend our trap lines towards the north-west, to meet up with the trap lines in the Cobb area, which are being maintained by Bush and Beyond and The Friends of Cobb groups. Once joined, our area of protection will be larger than 10,000 hectares, making it one of the largest volunteer trapping projects in the country. The first two of these lines has now been completed. 
We are well on the way to establishing a sustainable population of the Blue Duck (Whio) in the Flora Stream. From a healthy population of these birds in this area, the number had dropped to one lone male at the time our Society was established. We had a wild bred female translocated into the Flora, and she paired with a wild male. In the 07/08 season they successfully reared 3 young to maturity - the first time in 12 years. We now have a number of pair which are breeding in the catchment. 
We are now working towards the re-establishment of a Great Spotted Kiwi population, which were once in this area. This is a 3-year project, in which we have translocated 12 adult great spotted kiwi into the Flora in May 2010. They are being closely monitored, and appear to have settled in the area. Now the hope is they will breed there. Depending on how the project goes over the next few years, we may look to increase the population by O.N.E (Operation Nest Egg) enhancement, or further adult birds.



Skills required

We are looking for fit agile people who are happy to be off track and can handle different traps and dead animals. Training available.

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